Wednesday, November 15, 2006

It's been a while, two months. My vacation is almost over and November 27 I'm signing on Atlantic Companion again. The end of our last trip turned into a complete chaos. When we arrived in Gothenburg we suddenly got problem with the auxilliary engine fuel system and got a blackout. To make it even better we couldn't restart the engines at first, so out of electric power and unable to manouvre we ran aground... I don't think I have ever felt so stressed before and it took almost 24 hours for me to be myself afterwards. Anyway, everything turned out well, no personal injuries and no damage to the ship or the environment - I guess we were lucky after all!
I haven't been doing very much this vacation. A short trip to Stockholm last weekend which was very nice. Apart from that I've been staying home.
Since we're working on five-weeks schedule we're going to spend Christmas and New Years Eve on board this year. We did that last year as well, in 2004 we signed on December 27 and the year before we also had both Christmas and New Year on board... Not much to do about it and so far we've had a really nice time those holidays, so I don't mind.
That's all for tonight, I will be back before I'm signing on with more pictures from Companion.


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