Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's been a while again! No Internet access, what else can I say... Today however we arrived to Baltimore and I started to search for wireless networks. It didn't work in my cabin, so now I am standing at starboard bridge wing, not very comfortable and absolutely no privacy, but who needs that? Not on board a ship anyway. The trip has been very calm so far. No machinery troubles (at least not more than usual) and no scandal parties:-) I think it's going to be a very peaceful Christmas here.
We had a few days on the Atlantic with rough weather, but that's just the way it use to be this time of year. Winter and North Atlantic, it makes you wonder why choosing such a job... But the summer is great.
I will be back in Halifax hopefully, heard that there were quite a few networks there as well. Will try to post some pictures from our trip then as well.
Next port will be Portsmouth on Friday morning.


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