Dunkerque, here I am!!!! We arrives here the day before yesterday and drydocked yesterday morning, EARLY! I went up at 5.45 and was sent out on deck to help the people from the shipyard to connect the fire water. It probably was a beautiful morning, but I wasn't awake enough to see that. The problems started right away, the two guys I was supposed to assist didn't speak english. I tried to tell them that they had connected one of the hoses in the wrong place, but they didn't understand. Finally the captain helped me out, he had an english-speaking guy with him on the bridge, so I told the captain how I wanted the hoses, he told the guy on the bridge, who told the guys on deck... Hm, longway communication, but it worked out. After that I was awake and in good mood and have been since. They work really fast and I think everything will be finish in time, if this continues. I haven't brought my camera downstairs (I've only been on board for six days) so no pictures yet, but there will be!
I will get back with an update soon, hopefully tomorrow!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Working on a merchant ship makes my every day life somewhat different from many others. This blog will be about my job and the life on board my ship, the RORO-/container vessel Atlantic Companion. Because of my working schedule it may take some time between the updates, since we still DON'T have Internet on board:-(
Previous Posts
- Iiiiiiiih, it's time to leave again! As usual I ju...
- It's only two weeks left until I'm going back to A...
- Hm, I guess it's been a while again... Though I pr...
- It's finally time to sign on again! I had a VERY e...
- I've been home for two weeks already, can't believ...
- I've spent almost the entire day in a waiting room...
- Ooops, I did it agin! Long time since I updated my...
- So, here we are, still in Baltimore... We were sup...
- It's been a while again! No Internet access, what ...
- So, time to sign on again!Companion is in Gothenbu...
hi suss! i saw u r blog, its a very good picture of a real marine eng's life.i had the same atmosphere in the engine room like u r s in the COMPANION.
Hallå Susanne. Ramlade över din blogg på ett oväntat ställe. Hittade en länk till den på en sida med fartygsfoton från Liverpool. Visste du det?
Kul att du kommer vara hos oss igen. Hoppas att ledigheten är lika skön för dig som för mig. Tog ett tag att komma ikapp med sömnen.
Ses om några veckor.
Hej Jesper!
Vad roligt att du hörde av dig! Jo, ledigheten var välkommen, jag var bra trött och grinig sista veckan och inte blev det bättre av att det nya gänget kom ombord pigga och utvilade:-) Hade ingen aning om att någon i Liverpool har länkat upp hit, kul! Vet du vad det var för adress till den sidan?
Ha det så bra, vi syns om drygt en månad!
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