Piston overhaul/change is one of my personal favourites. I love those big jobs with the main engine.
This time we were in Baltimore, no stress at all, wonderful weather (nothing that we in the engine department ever notice however) and everything went well. The engine crew on Compass is very nice and we do have a lot of fun together, so I was really enjoying this.
Right now I am home and just enjoying my time off, though I feel I don't do very much for the time being. In a couple of days I will go to Eskilstuna (where I grew up, if I haven't mentioned it before) and stay there for a while and meet some of my oldest friends.
Yesterday I went to the vet with my dog, and everything seems to be fine. I haven't updated anything about that, but we've been there regularly since March, because of her eyes and the injury that doesn't seem to want to heal. I hope she will be completely free of this very soon, but since she is so old, I guess it will take a while. In January she will be 14 years old, so I guess I should just be greatful for every single day I get to spend with her.
I will get back soon with more pictures and information from my last trip.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Working on a merchant ship makes my every day life somewhat different from many others. This blog will be about my job and the life on board my ship, the RORO-/container vessel Atlantic Companion. Because of my working schedule it may take some time between the updates, since we still DON'T have Internet on board:-(
Previous Posts
- Believe it or not, I survived the flight! I didn't...
- Life is full of surprices and just when I thought...
- Hihi, my promises are worth absolutely nothing, if...
- Dunkerque, here I am!!!! We arrives here the day b...
- Iiiiiiiih, it's time to leave again! As usual I ju...
- It's only two weeks left until I'm going back to A...
- Hm, I guess it's been a while again... Though I pr...
- It's finally time to sign on again! I had a VERY e...
- I've been home for two weeks already, can't believ...
- I've spent almost the entire day in a waiting room...
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